For those who have followed my blog since its inception will remember the first entry I ever posted was about my trip to New York. I went there to visit someone who at one time I considered my closest friend, but at the time I left could barely stand speaking to. I made plans to visit after repeatedly being asked while enjoying an all too brief period of time when my phone calls were being returned and conversations that showed some interest for my life and well-being.
I knew I would probably never speak to him when I went home on the first night I got there and only a hour and a half had gone by before an argument ensued. I foolishly spent all the money I had and even borrowed from people I had no right to take anything from to go. I was so broke I had no money to buy a memory card for my camera so I saved all the photos I took on his computer with the promise he would send them to me when I got back. Surprisingly we got into a fight a few days after I returned to Cleveland, trading insults on myspace that led me to ask him never to contact me again he then sent me an email mocking me for going to therapy, my relationship with my family, and called me a sad and pathetic person he also then declared to others he was "holding my photos for ransom."
He messaged me recently to tell me how horrible he feels about the situation and how he treated me, he still believes I am one of the most amazing people he ever met and he misses me, etc. etc. etc. he also told me how his computer broke after I left and he recently got the data recovered and really wants to send me my photos. After overcoming my skepticism, I wrote him back with my address and shortly after that managed to run into his brother, who proceeded to tell me how he was lying about getting the data on his computer recovered and probably was just fucking with me. When I let him know how pissed off I was that he was contacting me to lie, his brother told me that we didn't have a romantic relationship and to get over it. I told him I never fucked my sister, but my feelings still run deep when she goes out of her way to be hurtful to me. I am truly amazed at the things people do and am really over this situation. For who this entry is written about I don't know what you get from fucking with me, but please move on and find something else to do.... a hobby perhaps I hear knitting is popular?I am so thankful you are out of my life and I will never make the mistake of paying attention to you and your bullshit again. This is the last time I will write or talk about this. The past is history! While I will never get those photos back I took in NY the photos I treasure the most are the ones I take everyday in Cleveland such as these.
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