• Bloody Motherfucking Asshole

    Poetry is no place for a heart that's a whore
    And I'm young & I'm strong
    But I feel old & tired
    I will not pretend
    I will not put on a smile
    I will not say I'm all right for you
    When all I wanted was to be good
    To do everything in truth
    Oh I wish I wish I wish I was born a man
    So I could learn how to stand up for myself
    Like those guys with guitars
    I've been watching in bars
    Who've been stamping their feet to a different beat
    To a different beat


    Cristina said...

    I LOVE the way the sky looks in the picture and if you wrote that poem kudos to you because it's amazing as are you I hope you know that.

    JDunaway said...

    aaah thats awesome. the "to a different beat" thing is actually pretty funny if i read it wrong Or right.


    Caltiki said...

    Figures that we would like the same music.

    - (Deviant) Artistforhire

    AlenaRosa said...

    Completely! since we like each other's art it makes sense we would gravitate to the same music too. I had an idea that was your account without you even saying. I look forward to you posting your amazing pictures and sharing your genius with the world <3