• Don't Let them Ruin You

    Dear Marriage of Perception and Reality,
    I know I have neglected you so much over the past year. I felt so lost and instead of reflecting on my life I just wanted to learn how to live it. I spent a large part of the last few months suicidal and just recently became acutely aware of all the things I have been taking for granted and time wasted being sad. I graduated last Sunday from college. Those who have followed this blog know it started when I was a junior and just how significant a portion of time I spent trying to figure out where my life is headed. I feel like my purpose to make art and promote culture in Northeast Ohio. I want to go to grad school to learn more about photography and keep pissing people off in an academic setting. I want to keep challenging myself and evolving as an artist. I want to be great. Fuck anyone who makes the mistake of standing in my way. These photos are my attempt to convey my feelings about sexual encounters with men and are part of a series I like to refer to as Confusion is Sex


    Big Old Adventure Thing said...

    You are great, already. I think you're amazing, really, truly.