• I love my life

    This week was Clarissa's birthday, which as far as I'm concerned should be national holiday, although getting McCain to vote for it seems impossible given his opposition for holidays that honor brown people. Words cannot describe how important she is in my life and how much I fucking adore her. She is the only person who knows me inside and out and is always there for me when I need her and makes me feel better no matter what dilemma I present her with. We went out this week to celebrate her B-day, which involved getting Mexican food and going to the Superior Viaduct to wax philosophically. I highly recommend this spot to take friends and make out buddies to, because of the view that is simply one of a kind and the most beautiful of Cleveland I ever seen. We plotted how we are going to be even more fabulous next year and if all goes to plan take over the world. My goals for this week are to do a shitload of homework and get so drunk I speak like Palin.