• Benny Velez

    I am at this moment in my life more boycrazy than I ever been. I am literally falling in love with almost every boy I see. I still don't understand men, but understanding for me has nothing to with desire. I am so enamored with crushes, flirting and can swoon like no other. I don't want to fall in love I want to be adored.


    Shania said...

    oh I know what you mean, I remembered feeling that way before.... and well this is what got me in trouble.. because this is why I did so many things that were totally crazy and made no sense. It was just the thought of having someone in my life,some one to share,that feeling of being loved was worth more then anything else..but sometimes they didn't see it that way...

    I don't know if you are following my blog but it made me think why I decided to meet this stranger(he was a stranger that I met online)

    I guess besides thinking that I was in love it had to do more with wanting to be validated,wanting to feel loved and also the feeling of being "enamored" just like you said,wow you really got me thinking.