• Until the Sun Turns Black

    Me and my homeboy Kelvycakes on a very recent nite talked about life on the swing set of a childhood haunt while smoking cigarettes. We discussed our frustrations of getting older and lack of success with our art. How conflicted we feel watching our cohorts pass us by in regards to achievements, but knowing we are both at places we should be at this point in our lives and really satisfied with the art we are creating. Success to me is having people give a shit about what I do and eventually showing somewhere. I don't care about making money. I want to make an impact. I am on break from school and using this time to focus on doing what I love. I am sick of drunks, girl women, and man boys.


    BookLoverMC said...

    Keep the faith... it's worth it, if not for yourself then for your art... achievement is relative, my friend!