Most of these photos were taken in a two day period right when the temperature dropped with a vengeance. It was so cold at one point I was walking around the projects on Detroit having obscenities yelled at me and couldn't feel my fingers. On the second day I was glad Karl, who is also a photographer went with me I love shooting with other photographers and feel like each time is such a learning experience. Its so interesting to see how each person approaches the same subject completely different. After such an intense semester, I have been shooting like a motherfucker lately and really motivated by the idea of trying to capture a situation as opposed to create one especially in a urban context.
I'm dramatic, traumatized, and self obsessed, but in a really sweet and sincere way. I'm in love with life and believe compassion is the greatest virtue we as human beings can possess.I'm madly in love with art and am at my happiest when creating something. I enjoy thrashing at shows as often as possible, going to art museums, drinking coffee at night, taking a good photo, listening to records and of course talking shit.
Hi chica! It's been a while since I've been here. I just wanted to wish you happy holidays and a very very happy new year.
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