I got back from New York yesterday and already have begun editing the photos. When people who have never been to New York ask me what is it like I always compare being in Manhattan to riding a wave. You are literally pushed by people and cannot stand still without running the risk of being trampled on. My short time there was a shock to my system in the most positive way possible. To be in that environment compared to Clevo was overwhelming in every sense of the word with a definite emphasis on the financial sense. Just in one day we walked the Brooklyn Bridge twice, walked through City Hall, Chinatown where even the McDonalds is written in Chinese and you are harassed with offers of Foaches and Bootleg DVDS from the moment you walk on Canal Street, we went through Little Italy and Soho and then went to Times Square, St Pats and the Empire State Building at Midnight. I barely heard anyone speak English during my stay, I loved this experience massively. Being on top of the Empire State Building was truly unforgettable. I am terrified of heights it is my number one fear next to the large groups of white people in woods and the Duggars. This fear was not helped by the fact the winds were almost up to 40 mph when we went. I felt like I was going to be knocked over by it at any second. When I was taking the last picture the wind literally lifted my shirt and coat up.
With this trip over I, like most people around this time of year I am feeling somewhat reflective. New Year's Eve induces the superficial vows of weight loss and promises to be more organized like no other time of year. In 2010 I want to be a better human being in many aspects none of which are physical. I have improved on some issues this past year I feel like taking credit for. I am very proud of the fact I am more content to be by myself and don't need people to pay attention to me to validate my existence. I enjoy my own company more than ever. I realize in terms of failed relationships there is no point in trying to go back and recreate the past. Once I have burned bridges it is best not to look back and just let things die. Sometimes you should be thankful for what didn't happen as much as what did. I have worked hard to become a better artist and student and am just beginning to see the fruits of my labor. I am creating work I am in love with. I am living a life I never thought would happen and I couldn't be more proud of who I am at this moment in time.
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