• Cleveland Rocks

    Monday I walked from Tower City to the east bank of The Flats and through Ohio City until I got to my g-ma's house. I couldn't feel my face, because of the cold and I was so exhausted I barely moved the next day. I felt a purpose in taking the photos attempting to recreate memories I shared with those who are no longer in my life, redefining what these places and people mean to me now years later. I am empowered by words a very kind bald woman told me once when I was heartbroken "People come into your life for a reason and they leave your life for a reason too." I feel like only now I am really embracing that idea fully and in doing so feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. On a side note despite what people have been saying I personally feel safest and most at home Downtown. I think if you use common sense i.e. don't cut through alleyways, don't open your purse to give change, stay in well lit areas, you should be a OK.


    JDunaway said...

    your photos of cleveland are absurd. you capture with your camera everything i see in cleveland, from the hope to the disgust and recklessness. you should be a cinematographer and made cleveland it's very own "Eraserhead"

    post-industrial cities are so very very sexy.